ECNL Regional League

ECNL Regional League

Congratulations to Champions at the WSA Cup and Lexus Tulsa Cup!

 Congratulations to the following teams who recently were captured championships and finalists at the WSA Cup and Lexus Tulsa Cup!

Lexus Tulsa Cup

1st Place
TSC 95B White
TSC 97G Red
TSC 99B Red
TSC 98B Red
TSC 00G Red
TSC 01G White
TSC 02G Red
2nd Place
TSC 93B White
TSC 95G White
TSC 96B Red
HFC 97G Rhein
TSC 98B White
TSC 99G Black
TFA 01G Beattie
TSC 02B Red
TSC 02G Black
1st Place
HFC 97G Beattie
TSC 02B Red
2nd Place
TSC 97B White
TSC 99B Red
BA Hurricane 03G
TSC 03B White
TSC Hurricane 04G


Contact Info

Tulsa Soccer Club
1325 E. 15th St.
Suite 202
Tulsa, OK 74120

(918) 550-5807