COVID-19 Protocol

COVID-19 Protocol
Exposure and Illness
This information provides guidelines in the event a Tulsa SC player or staff member is exposed to or diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19), and other relevant information. These guidelines and the information are based on the latest recommendations from the Oklahoma State Department of Health, the Tulsa Health Department, the World Health Organization (WHO), and, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
To assist in limiting potential transmission of any respiratory illness, Tulsa SC is recommending that any player, parent and/or coach showing any illness should not attend competition or training and adhere to the following guidelines:
If you are Exposed to someone that has tested positive
- Exposure to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 means that you have had “close contact” with that individual. Close contact occurs when you are within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of a confirmed COVID-19 case for a 15 minutes or more (e.g., sitting in a room together; sharing a car ride; hugging each other), or have direct contact with infectious secretions (such as being directly in the path of a sneeze or cough).
- If you feel sick but have not had exposure to an individual with COVID-19, you should consult with your primary care physician, telehealth provider, or urgent care service as you would in normal course.
- In no event should anyone who is sick, whether with COVID-19 or any other illness, or anyone who is under self-isolation, attend training or put themselves in areas with the public.
- If someone in your household is sick and has tested positive for COVID-19, you should not attend training for 14 days from the initial exposure to the known positive person.
- In the event of team exposure, Tulsa SC will follow CDC guidelines relating to exposure to a person with a known positive COVID-19 test. These guidelines are restated, in short, above and can be found in detail on the CDC website.
If you test positive for COVID-19
- You need to notify your department of health/local health agency.
- You are asked to notify your Coach immediately. Coaches will then notify Adam Burke, Executive Director of Soccer Operations at Please note that your privacy will be protected, and your medical information will be kept confidential.
- CDC advises that anyone who has tested positive should isolate themselves for 10 days after the symptoms first occurred in their home or a hospital, depending on the severity of illness (this will be determined by the department of health/your local health agency and your healthcare provider). According to the CDC, after 10 days, if you have no symptoms, you can return to training.
- Tulsa SC will require players/coaches who have tested positive for COVID-19 to remain away from training until the specified 10-day quarantine period ends AND the player has not had a temperature of 100.4 or greater, without the use of fever reducing medicine, 24 hours prior to returning to training. If a player continues to show symptoms after 10 days they should consult their health care provider.
Additional resources and information from the Tulsa Health Department, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) can be found at:
Barry Williams
Adam Burke
Executive Director of Soccer Operations
Contact Info
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Tulsa Soccer Club (918) 550-5807 |